Want to become a good writer?
Follow these few suggestions and — write, write and write.
Have you ever heard the saying, “How do I get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice.”
This holds true for just about any activity. Whether you are playing soccer, singing, dancing, and of course, writing.
Malcolm Gladwell is a well-known author and speaker who identifies and explains complex ideas. He is known for saying, “unexpected implications of social science research. He suggests that mastering any skill takes 10,000 hours of practice.”
Many have challenged this notion, but learning anything new takes time and practice, whether you fully agree with 10,000 hours or not. And so it is with writing.
Like any new skill, practice alone will not get you to perfection. You need teachers and leaders to help you navigate the unknown waters to get close to perfection.
I have researched a list of suggestions to help you improve your writing. Like any skill, as you get better, you…